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Understand. Trust. Love.

Understand. Trust. Love.

Often, what is hidden is the key to unlocking the life we want to live and the relationships we truly desire.


I'm Ilana


I work with individuals and couples to grow their self-awareness, trust and compassion in their relationship within themselves and between each other.

I hold a Master’s in Marriage and Family Therapy and have taken trainings in many diverse evidence-based modalities and use the map of attachment science to guide my sessions.  I never stop learning and growing to help my clients live an authentic and meaningful life and experience the satisfaction of true intimacy.

live fully, love deeply.

Relationships and human connection are a significant and influential part of a person’s life. The need to be truly seen, heard and understood is universal and is the foundation of living a happy and meaningful life.

I believe that everyone can live fully and love deeply. I would be honoured to walk alongside you on your journey to uncover what is hidden. This is an exciting and often demanding journey that helps a person understand, trust and love their own authentic self and build healthy and fulfilling relationships with others.

I believe you are worth the investment.

I can help explore these issues with you:

  • Being more authentic and comfortable in your own skin 
  • Living with clarity and fulfillment
  • Increasing intimacy and vulnerability in relationships  
  • Struggles with trusting and committing to others 
  • Communicating effectively (especially in challenging relationships) 
  • Dating with purpose and direction 
  • Processing anxiety and depression in a healthy way
  • Appreciating your own innate self-worth
  • Triggers and emotional regulation

About my sessions

Our sessions will be a respectful, safe and validating space to slow down, explore and share your inner world and fundamental beliefs.  

There will be no judgment and only curiosity to help you trust, grow and reclaim your true self.  

"If I am not for myself, who will be for me? But if I am only for myself, what am I? And if not now, when?"

- Hillel

How I can help


Dating can be an opportunity to meet and connect with wonderful people while searching for one special person.  Dating can be interesting, enlightening and fun.  But some people find the search for a spouse or partner challenging, draining and unenjoyable.  I would like to help you make dating a more pleasant and successful experience.  


Maybe you  just need some tweaks to your dating style or maybe some deeper exploration would be helpful.  I would be honored to help you learn more about the science and mastery of connection and/or explore what may be holding you back from a deep intimate connection and bring you closer to a loving and secure long term relationship.  


We begin married life together with dreams, hopes, and promises.  But a promise to each other doesn’t come with a guarantee.  

My goal is to help you slow down and process what’s going on in each of your inner worlds with the hope of reigniting those original dreams and hopes in a relationship that is even more mature, deep and safe than how you started out.  

individual Counseling

Most people choose to come to therapy because they have a conflict in their life.  There is something they want in their life that they don’t have.  There is a struggle in their life that they want to fix.  

I would be honored to support you as you make sense of these conflicts in your life.  Together we can deepen your understanding of your life experiences and how they formed who you are today. Although we can’t change past events or even some current situations, we can help you become more mindful and  compassionate and truly show up the way you want in your life.  

"What I am looking for is not out there, it is in me"

- Helen Keller


Download my “must have” 5 keys to a successful first date connection!! Make the start of your relationships more meaningful and authentic.  Learn to date with curiosity, openness and kindness.